Phil Mickelson & # 039; working on & # 039; rematch of $ 9M collision with Tiger Woods
Among countless replies, another user responded to Mickelson who said, "Please don't tease," to which the American shot back, "I Don't tease. I'm a little sure. "
CNN has contacted Woods' agent Mark Steinberg and Mickelson's representative Steve Loy for further comment.
On Sunday, the US extended its set of social distance guidelines to April 30, potentially complicating each retake, depending on timing.
At the peak of their careers, Woods and Mickelson were rivals with an icy relationship, but the experienced golfers have become friendly in recent years.
In 2018, they played their first $ 9 million showdown for TV, called The Match, which Mickelson won after 22 holes at the Shadow Creek Golf Course in Las Vegas.
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