Tiger points 15th big, says good friend
The former world number 1 ended the season 2018 at a peak with victory in the Tour Championship in East Lake for his first victory in five years after overcoming four back operations.
Woods, who turns 43 on December 26 and his record of PGA Tour wins to 80, two behind the record of Sam Snead, but it is Jack Nicklaus' record of 18 important titles he longed for.
Many thought his multiple back injuries had paid for it, but Begay, Woods 'collegiate roommate in Stanford, says Nicklaus' pursuit is back on the agenda.
"I think the first victory now is from the way he is focused on getting out 14 [major wins] and on 15," four-time PGA Tour winner Begay told CNN Sport.
"I do not think this is beyond the reach of possibilities."
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Woods underwent a spine fusion in April 2017, paving the way for a remarkable comeback this season in which he briefly led the Open with nine holes to play before finishing sixth and second on the American PGA in August.
He scored three other top-five finishes and led in September the end-to-end Tour Championship to finish.
Woods famously won all 14 of his most important titles when he took the lead after 54 holes was, but Begay says that on the last day he will have to be better in coming out of the peloton if he wants to add to his
"I do not think he has as much firepower as he had and can go and dominate as we saw him in so many of his other big championships, "said Begay, the only thoroughbred native American in the Tour.
"I think it will be a bit boring r and in some cases he might have to find out after 54 holes that he did not really care about in his career."
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& # 39; Big impact & # 39;
Begay is one of the few people in the inner circle of Woods, and he admits that he feared that his friend's career was over.
"I had sat in his living room just after the first operation [in March 2014] and he was walking around like an 85-year-old man," he says. "I literally thought that the career of the greatest golfer I had ever known and one of my dearest friends in the world came to an end."
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Js-pg-rail -tall__head & # 39;) length) {videoPinner = new CNN.VideoPinner (containerClassId); videoPinner.init ();} else {CNN.VideoPlayer.hideThumbnail (containerId);}}}, onContentEntryLoad: function (containerId, playerId, contentid, isQueue) {CNN.VideoPlayer.showSpinner (containerId);}, onContentPause: function ( containerId, playerId, videoId, paused) {if (mobilePinnedView) {CNN.VideoPlayer.handleMobilePinnedPlayerStates (containerId, paused);}}, onContentMetadata: function (containerId, playerId, metadata, contentId, duration, width, height) {var endSlateLen = jQuery (document.getElementById (containerId)). parent (). find (& # 39; js-video__end-slate & # 39;). eq (0) .length; CNN.VideoSourceUtils.updateSource (containerId, metadata); if (endSlateLen> 0) {videoEndSlateImpl.fetchAndShowRecommendedVideos (metadata);}}, onAdPlay: function (containerId, cvpId, t oken, mode, id, duration, blockId, adType) {/ * Reject the pinnedPlayer as another video player an Ad * / CNN.VideoPlayer.dismissMobilePinnedPlayer (containerId); clearTimeout (moveToNextTimeout); CNN.VideoPlayer.hideSpinner (containerId) plays; if (Modernizr &&! Modernizr.phone &&! Modernizr.mobile &&! Modernizr.tablet) {if (type videoPinner! == & # 39; undefined & # 39; && videoPinner! == null) {videoPinner.setIsPlaying (true); videoPinner.animateDown ();}}}, onAdPause: function (containerId, playerId, token, mode, id, duration, blockId, adType, instance, isAdPause) {if (mobilePinnedView) {CNN.VideoPlayer.handleMobilePinnedPlayerStates (containerId, isAdPause) ;}}, onTrackingFullscreen: function (containerId, PlayerId, dataObj) {CNN.VideoPlayer.handleFullscreenChange (containerId, dataObj); if (mobilePinnedView && typeof dataObj === & # 39; & & # 39; && FAVE.Utils.os === & # 39; iOS & # 39; &&! dataObj.fullscreen) {jQuery (document) .scrollTop (mobilePinnedView. getScrollPosition ()); playerInstance.hideUI ();}}, onContentPlay: function (co ntainerId, cvpId, event) {var playerInstance, prevVideoId; if (CNN.companion && typeof CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout === & # 39; function & # 39;) {CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout (& # 39; restoreEpicAds & # 39;);} clearTimeout (moveToNextTimeout); CNN .VideoPlayer.hideSpinner (containerId); if (Modernizr &&! Modernizr.phone &&! Modernizr.mobile &&! Modernizr.tablet) {if (type videoPinner! == & # 39; undefined & # 39; && videoPinner! == null) {videoPinner.setIsPlaying (true); videoPinner.animateDown ();}}}, onContentReplayRequest: function (containerId, cvpId, contentId) {if (Modernizr &&! Modernizr.phone &&! Modernizr.mobile &&! Modernizr.tablet) {if (typeof videoPinner! = = & # 39; undefined & # 39; && videoPinner! == null) {videoPinner.setIsPlaying (true); var $ endSlate = jQuery (document.getElementById (containerId)). parent (). find (& # 39; js-video__end-slate & # 39;). eq (0); if ($ endSlate.length> 0) {$ endSlate.removeClass (& # 39; video__end-slate – active & # 39;). AddClass (& # 39; video__end-slate – inactive & # 39;);}}}}, onContentBegin: function (containerId, cvpId, contentId) {if (mo bilePinnedView) {mobilePinnedView.enable ();} / * Reject the pinnedPlayer if another video player plays a video. * / CNN.VideoPlayer.dismissMobilePinnedPlayer (containerId); CNN.VideoPlayer.mutePlayer (containerId); if (CNN.companion && typeof CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout === & # 39; function & # 39;) {CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout (& # 39; removeEpicAds & # 39;);} CNN.VideoPlayer.hideSpinner (containerId) ; clearTimeout (moveToNextTimeout); CNN.VideoSourceUtils.clearSource (containerId); jQuery (document) .triggerVideoContentStarted ();}, onContentComplete: function (containerId, cvpId, contentId) {if (CNN .companion && typeof CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout === &; function & # 39;) {CNN.companion .updateCompanionLayout (& # 39; restoreFreewheel & # 39;);} navigateToNextVideo (contentId, containerId);}, onContentEnd: function (containerId, cvpId, contentId) {if (Modernizr &&! Modernizr.phone &&! Modernizr.mobile &&! Modernizr .tablet) {if (type videoPinner! == & # 39; undefined & # 39; && videoPinner! == null) {videoPinner.setIsPlaying (false);}}}, onCVPVisibilityChange: function (containerId, cvpId, visible) {CNN .VideoPlayer.handleAdOnCVPVisibilityChange (containerId, visible);}}; if (typeof configObj.context! == & # 39; string & # 39; || configObj.context.length 0) {configObj.adsection = window.ssid;} CNN.autoPlayVideoExist = (CNN.autoPlayVideoExist === true)? true: false; CNN.VideoPlayer.getLibrary (configObj, callbackObj, isLivePlayer);}); CNN.INJECTOR.scriptComplete (& # 39; videodemanddust & # 39;);