18 holes at Maroochy delivers great results
Maroochy River Golf Club organized the second Junior Golf Queensland 18 Hole Points Challenge event for the year on Sunday 10 March. In what can only be described as a healthy day for golf, there was an abundance of great scores.
The overall winner in the boys' competition was Blake Davey of Arundel Hills Country Club, who scraped a fantastic 47 points that kicked the title against a countdown at City Golf Clubs James O & # 39; Neill. In the girl's competition, local golfer Ava Stewart, the Maroochy golfer, was the overall winner with 44 points for a handicap of 25. Congratulations to all other winners and well done for all players to participate.
To view a complete overview of the results of the days, click on the links below:
Prize winners list (PDF, 145 KB)
Boy Leaderboard
Leaderboard for girls
Thanks to Maroochy River Golf Club for hosting the second event for the year and thanks to parents and caddies for supporting your junior golfers.
Go to the Junior Golf Queensland Facebook page to view photos of the event.
Those who were unable to stay for presentations, please contact Grant Harriman at Golf Australia – Queensland Office at 3252 8155 or granth@golf.org.au to arrange the collection of your prize.
To view the 2019 JGQ 18 Hole Points Challenge Series results after round 2, click the links below:
Boys (PDF, 190 KB)
Girls (PDF, 151 KB)
To view the 2019 JGQ 18 Hole Points Challenge Series conditions (PDF, 94 KB). Just a reminder that the overall Boy and Girl Winner of this year's Series will receive an invitation to compete in the 2019 Greg Norman Junior Masters.
The third JGQ 18 Hole Points Challenge event will take place on Sunday, May 5 at City Golf Club. This event is played in combination with the Ken Layton Memorial, an open Greg Norman Junior Master Qualifier. Entries for this event are open on March 25 to register JGQ 18 Hole Points Challenge & Ken Layton Memorial – City. Why not make it a long weekend and go to the Gatton Junior Pro Am-GNJM Qualifier on Monday 6 May? The City Golf Club Motel offers reduced rates to event participants who want to stay Sunday evening.