GA board welcomes two new faces

After the recent election process, two changes were made to the management of Golf Australia.
President John Hopkins today welcomed a few Sydneysiders, Jeannene O & # 39; Day and John Robinson as new directors.
But although enthusiastic about the new additions, Hopkins said it was tinged with the departure of two extremely well-executed members.
"It is an exciting time for golf in Australia in a dynamic era for the sport and we are confident that both Jeanene and John will be valuable contributors to the governance and direction of the game across the country," said Hopkins. .
"We have undergone some major changes in the last two years and it is important that we continue that momentum to maximize the enormous potential of the sport.
"We are therefore very grateful to two fantastic, long-standing board members whose conditions have expired in Jill Spargo and Bob Crosby.
"Both have done their utmost in the time and passion they have dedicated to the board, and both have left the sport in a better position as a result of their unremitting efforts.
"They will both be missed, but I am sure they will continue to contribute in other ways."
O & # 39; Day is a member of the Sydney Avondale Golf Club and has more than 25 years of national and international experience in the financial sector.
She is also actively involved in boards and organizations dealing with women's and community issues, developing and managing websites and campaigns for social media.
Robinson, a former chairman of Golf NSW, is known to many golf enthusiasts for his work as a national referee and is a member of both Elanora Country Club and The Australian Golf Club.
He is a semi-retired IT specialist and business owner, after having previously been an IT data management manager for Westpac and a director and chairman of several companies.
"It's great that both have a passion and knowledge of golf," Hopkins said.
"But we are excited about their business insight and other skills in different layers of the population that bring them to the Golf Australia board."
The full board is: John Hopkins (WA, chairman), Sarah Chia (SA), Peter Castrisos (Qld), Kerri-Anne Kennerley (NSW), Andrew Newbold (Vic), Richard Allen (Vic), Peter Ritchie (NSW), Jeannene O & # 39; Day (NSW) and John Robinson (NSW).