Justin Rose addresses majors after reclaiming No. 1
After the victory – the first title defense of his 20-year career – Rose said that he now wants to match the likes of Phil Mickelson and Padraig Harrington by winning big titles when he approaches his 40s.
"More majors, that's what I'm interested in," said the 38-year-old Rose. "I try to chase as much as possible.
" You have seen players like Phil and Padraig have hot spells at the end of their career where they have quickly gained two or three.
"If I could do that on top of what I have already achieved, it would make things really good, so very focused on the majors … maybe not playing too much and playing fresh as I can die. "
The only big triumph of Rose to date is the 2013 US Open when he made two shots that were free of Mickelson and Jason Day in Merion. He lost a play-off to Sergio Garcia at the Masters last year and also finished second behind Italian Francesco Molinari at the Open in Carnoustie in July.
But three top-four finishes in September and third during the World Golf Championship event in October suggest that there could be more grand silverware around the corner.
Rose became world number 1 for the first time on September 10 despite losing a play-off to American Keegan Bradley at the BMW championship.
He spent two weeks at the head of the rankings and closed the $ 10 million FedEx Cup title at the end of the season Tour Championship, which was won by Tiger Woods for his first win in five years. & # 39;); $ vidEndSlate.removeClass (& # 39; video__end-slate – inactive & # 39;). addClass (& # 39; video__end-slate – active & # 39;);}}; CNN.autoPlayVideoExist = (CNN.autoPlayVideoExist == = true)? true: false; var configObj = {thumb: & # 39; none & # 39 ;, video: & # 39; sports / 2018/10/01 / georgia-hall-on-the-bag-evian-championship-womens-british-open-living -golf-spt -intl.cnn & # 39 ;, width: & # 39; 100% & # 39 ;, height: & # 39; 100% & # 39 ;, section: & # 39; domestic & # 39 ;, profile: & # 39; expansion & # 39 ;, network: & # 39; cnn & # 39 ;, markupId: & # 39; body-text_23 &,; theoplayer: {allowNativeFullscreen: true}, adsection: & # 39; cnn.com_worldsport_golf_inpage & # 39 ;, frameWidth: & # 39; 100% & # 39 ;, frameHeight: & # 39; 100% & # 39 ;, posterImageOverride: {"mini": {"width": 220, "type": "jpg", "uri": "// cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180806114445-georgia- hall-small-169.jpg "," height ": 124}," xsmall ": {" width ": 307," type ":" jpg "," uri ":" // cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/ dam / assets / 180806114445-georgia-hall-medium-plus-169.jpg "," height ": 173}," small ": {" width ": 460," type ":" jpg "," uri ":" // cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180806114445-georgia-hall-large-169.jpg","height ": 259}," medium ": {" width ": 780," type ":" jpg "" uri ":" // cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180806114445-georgia-hall-exlarge -169.jpg "" height ": 438}," large ": {" width ": 1100 , "type": "jpg", "uri": "// cdn.cnn.com/cnn next / dam / assets / 180806114445-Georgia-hall-super-169.jpg" "height": 619}, "full16x9 ": {" width ": 1600," type ":" jpg "," uri ":" //cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/ass etching / 180806114445-georgia-hall-full-169.jpg "," height ": 900}," mini1x1 ": {" width ": 120," type ":" jpg "," uri ":" // cdn. cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180806114445-georgia-hall-small-11.jpg "," height ": 120}}}, autoStartVideo = false, isVideoReplayClicked = false, callbackObj, containerEl, currentVideoCollection = [] currentVideoCollectionId = & # 39; & # 39 ;, isLivePlayer = false, mediaMetadataCallbacks, mobilePinnedView = null, moveToNextTimeout, mutePlayerEnabled = false, nextVideoId = & # 39; & # 39 ;, nextVideoUrl = & # 39; & # 39 ;, turnOnFlashMessaging = false, videoPinner, videoEndSlateImpl; if (CNN.autoPlayVideoExist === false) {autoStartVideo = false; if (autoStartVideo === true) {if (turnOnFlashMessaging === true) {autoStartVideo = false; containerEl = jQuery (document.getElementById (configObj.markupId)); CNN.VideoPlayer.showFlashSlate (containerEl);} else {CNN.autoPlayVideoExist = true;}}} configObj.autos tart = CNN.Features.enableAutoplayBlock? false: autoStartVideo; CNN.VideoPlayer.setPlayerProperties (configObj.markupId, autoStartVideo, isLivePlayer, isVideoReplayClicked, mutePlayerEnabled); CNN.VideoPlayer.setFirstVideoInCollection (currentVideoCollection, configObj.markupId); videoEndSlateImpl = new CNN.VideoEndSlate (& # 39; body-text_23 & # 39;); function findNextVideo (currentVideoId) {var i, vidObj; if (currentVideoId && jQuery.isArray (currentVideoCollection) && currentVideoCollection.length> 0) {for (i = 0; i 0) {videoEndSlateImpl.showEndSlateForContainer (); if (mobilePinnedView) {mobilePinnedView.disable ();}}}} callbackObj = {onPlayerReady: function (containerId) {var playerInstance, containerClassId = & # 39; # & # 39; + containerId; CNN.VideoPlayer.handleInitialExpandableVideoState (containerId); CNN.VideoPlayer.handleAdOnCVPVisibilityChange (containerId, CNN pageVis.isDocumentVisible ()); if (CNN.Features.enableMobileWebFloatingPlayer && Modernizr && (Modernizr.phone || Modernizr.mobile || Modernizr.tablet) && CNN.VideoPlayer.getLibraryName (containerId) === & # 39; fave & # 39; && jQuery (containerClassId ) .parents (& # 39 ;. js-pg-rail-tall__head & # 39;) length> 0 && CNN.contentModel.pageType === & # 39; article & # 39;) {playerInstance = FAVE.player .getInstance (containerId); mobilePinnedView = new CNN.MobilePinnedView ({element: jQuery (containerClassId), enabled: false, transition: CNN.MobileWebFloatingPlayer.transition, onPin: function () {playerInstance.hideUI ();}, onUnpin: function () {playerInstance.showUI ();}, onPlayerClick: function () {if (mobilePinnedView) {playerInstance.enterFullscreen (); playerInstance.showUI ();}}, onDismiss: function () {CNN.Videx.mobile.pinnedPlayer.disable (); playerInstance .pause ();}}); / * Save captured view on CNN.Videx.mobile.pinnedPlayer So that all players can see the single pinned player * / CNN.Videx = CNN.Videx || {}; CNN.Videx.mobile = CNN.Videx.mobile || {}; CNN.Videx.mobile.pinnedPlayer = mobilePinnedView;} if (Modernizr &&! 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