Koepka accuses Woods misses cut at US PGA
The day-old 29 shot a track record 63 on day one and added Friday 65 to extend his lead to seven shots to 12 to leave his authority apply to the 101st American PGA championship on Bethpage.
Despite the fearsome reputation of the Black Course, Koepka's 36-hole score of 128 is an important championship record, his lead halfway is the largest in the PGA Championship history and he surpassed the Masters champion at 17 shots when Woods missed the cut.
Even then, Keopka claims that he was "fighting" his swing a bit.
"Today is a new day, no matter what you did yesterday," the defending champion, who won three of his last seven majors, told Sky Sports.
"I am very satisfied, it is a tough golf course, you really have to fight and I am proud of the way I hung it.
" It is something that I have lived all my life I fought so it would be an easy fix. "
READ: Woods is struggling while Koepka kisses freely at US PGA
Rearview Mirror
While Woods' 15th major title had many bleak eyes because of its prevailing heyday, Koepka is showing why he was now the most domineering player in the field of golf with an explosive marriage of power, finesse and ice-cold emotions Koepka, who came second to Augusta, gives his ability to stay at the same level as one of his best features
" is huge, "he added." I don't think people realize how hard it is and how to make things roll off your back, laugh at it, and move forward. It tests your patience, sure. "
The Floridian was bogey-free via 27 holes on Long Island, and despite two bogeys coming home on Friday, he kicked out to leave the field in his muscular wake.
A distant look in Koepka's rearview mirror was a rejuvenated Jordan Spieth at the front of the four-under-66 chase package to show signs of a brighter future after experiencing a late delay Spieth only needs the American PGA to will only be the sixth player to finish the Grand Slam career of all four main titles and a first victory since the Open of 2017.
In addition to Spieth on five, the 2013 Masters champion, Adam Scott, whose blistering flood to six under for the day after 14 holes he placed him with a shout of beating the big 62 plate before he stumbled towards the end of 64.
And what about Woods himself? Oversch breathless by performance – if not fan adoration and volume level – by playing partner Koepka, he doesn't like the magic Masters triumph on his last trip.
The 43-year-old, who in practice played only nine holes, knocked only three fairways off the Friday tee and was unable to build any kind of momentum, despite ongoing incentives from the noisy New York crowd .
A last bird needed to make the cut at four, his approach was ridiculous and he was unable to smash the pony, adding a 73 to his opening 72 to take five off to miss the cut by one.
READ: Woods & # 39; Masters victory has Nicklaus "shaking in my boots" READ: & # 39; It is surreal & # 39 ;, says Woods of the 15th major
& # 39; I need to feel better & # 39;
World No. 6 could return to the top of the rankings for the first time since May 2014 if he had won and other permutations to his advantage had worked, but he said illness and fatigue after the Masters high were contributing factors.
"It's just how it goes," Woods told reporters. "You know, you just don't feel good and just not able to do it. Resting would be better, so I would have energy to play. You know, unfortunately I just didn't do that – too many mistakes and just not done I do the little things that I have to do.
"I enjoyed being a Masters champion again and the PGA was a quick turn around and unfortunately I just didn't play well."
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Woods admitted that after his catalog of back injuries, culminating in spinal fusion surgery in 2017, there will be & # 39; days and weeks on which it will not work & # 39 ;.
"There is no reason why I cannot get up to speed again and get it going again," he said.
"I must begin to feel a little better before that happens.
" I was just not moving the way I needed to. That's how it goes. "
If he continued to win, Koepka's superiority would be somewhat reminiscent of Woods & Stretch from 2000-2002 when he won six of the nine majors, starting with the US Open by a record 15 shots led by six halfway on Pebble Beach – incidentally the location for this year & # 39; US Open in June.
Or from 2005-2008 when he won six out of 14 and was no worse than fourth six others
"What Brooksy has done, he drives it 330 yards in the middle of the fairway," Woods added. "He has 9-irons when most of us are 5-irons, 4-irons and he puts it right. That provides quite a substantial lead, and if he keeps doing what he does, there is no reason why he cannot build on this lead. "
Koepka has been vocal about not receiving enough recognition in the past, but he admits that he uses some perceived trifle as a fuel.
Rocket fuel seems to appear more and more
"I'm just going to keep doing what I do, stop the pedal and try to build a bigger lead," Koepka said.