Koepka on tackling Tiger and defending the US PGA
Later this week, however, the pair will clash as arguably the hottest two players in golf when the US PGA championship tees off on Bethpage Black on Long Island.
Woods, 43, won the US Open 17 years ago at the same location in New York, but returned as the Masters champion after a notable win at Augusta in April.
The big-hitting Koepka, 29, is a triple big champion in itself and has won three of the last eight majors, including last year's American PGA, when he fought a resurrecting Woods for a triumph of two shots secure on Bellerive.
The fact that he finished second for Augusta last month only reinforces his status as a man at the top of his game. For Koepka, a charging tiger is no fear.
"I am not afraid of anyone," he told CNN Sport. "There is no reason to be afraid of anyone, we now know that he will probably be there on Sunday."
Koepka & # 39; s recent run is a phenomenal performance that separates him from his equally illustrious colleague & # 39; s; Jordan Spieth & # 39; s trio of major titles entered a period of 11 tournaments, while there were 15 majors between Rory McIlroy & # 39; s first and fourth wins.
Now, however, there is an additional complication for the Generation Z of the game to consider; in his absence, many admitted that they would have liked – and bumped into – Woods in his prime. At the Masters they were treated to an explosion from the past.
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& # 39; Good for the game & # 39;
But as the defending American PGA champion, Koepka is happy to be the hunter, rather than the hunter.
"I love it," says world no. 3 Koepka, a loud talker, whose bulging biceps are the hallmark of the modern golfer.
"I think it is an honor to have that extra small title defender status, it is what you are resting all year round and that is something I like. Extra pressure, I enjoy everything what is involved and I try to concentrate on it and get the best out of those weeks. "
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Koepka was co-leader of the Masters through the first two rounds and was right in the twist on the back nine on Sunday until his load as one of the various players limped to the water of Rae's Creek on the short 12th.
At the end, one shot was the difference. Woods closed his first major for 11 years and was harassed by an admiring Augusta crowd and greeted by colleagues and rivals as he approached the clubhouse.
High-fives, backslaps, howling all the time – the respect and shared joy was clear to see. Then Koepka tapped him on the shoulder for a bear hug between recent friends.
"I saw him when he was unable to play golf and not sure if he could go back to playing golf," he says about their embrace.
"It was interesting, it was a fun trip to watch. Everyone wants it back there. He is healthy and it was fun to build a friendship over the past few years.
"It's just good for the game. I think it's good for the fans, the sponsors, the events. It is good for the tour, it is good for the players, it is good for everyone that he wins. As players, we all knew he was back a long time ago. "
READ: Valentino Dixon: How art and golf freed the innocent man from life. CONDUCT: Masters winning is & surrealistic & # 39 ;, says Woods
Winning mentality
Koepka spoke after participating in a trick-shot challenge with the American beer brand Michelob ULTRA By landing a run-up on a floating green on the Hudson River, he won a free drink for everyone the people of New York City. "I'm a popular man right now," he laughs.
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AddClass (& # 39; video__end-slate – inactive & # 39;);}}}}, onContentBegin: function (containerId, cvpId, contentId) {if (mo bilePinnedView) {mobilePinnedView.enable ();} / * Decline the pinnedPlayer if another video player is playing a video. * / CNN.VideoPlayer.dismissMobilePinnedPlayer (containerId); CNN.VideoPlayer.mutePlayer (containerId); if (CNN.companion && typeof CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout === & # 39; function & # 39;) {CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout (& # 39; removeEpicAds & # 39;);} CNN.VideoPlayer.hideSpinner (containerId) ; clearTimeout (moveToNextTimeout); CNN.VideoSourceUtils.clearSource (containerId); jQuery (document) .triggerVideoContentStarted ();}, onContentComplete: function (containerId, cvpId, contentId) {if (CNN .companion && typeof CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout === 'function') {CNN.companion.updateCompanionLayout ('restoreFreewheel');} navigateToNextVideo (contentId, containerId);}, onContentEnd: function (containerId, cvpId, contentId) {if (Modernizr &&! 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