On the Golf: Swing Doctors? Top L.P.G.A. Players prefer to heal themselves

Does not matter. It works for her. Suwannapura, 25, said she did not have a full-time swing coach because she ventured out of her native Thailand to take part internationally at the age of thirteen. She had no choice. She said that her family could not afford to let one of her parents travel with her, let alone an instructor.
"I own my swing," she said. "I am working on it every day, nobody comes and fixes this or that, I tried a few coaches and they had no idea how I hit the ball." If you take care of your own swing, you learn how to be patient and how you can survive there if your swing does not work. "
When it comes to the swing, pride of ownership can be a powerful advantage. Karen Stupples, a former big winner and now an analyst at the golf channel, said: "It gives you the confidence to go out and play golf, it's not about who has the most beautiful swing, and once you take the worries out of the equation, free yourself to focus on just getting the ball in the hole. "
For more than two years, Jutanugarn worked with Gary Gilchrist, whose clients at one time three of the six best women world. During their collaboration, which began in 2016, Gilchrist left the swing of Jutanugarn largely untouched and took her confidence, which required a complete overhaul after she had missed 10 coupes in a row during a crushing stretch in 2015.
In August, however, Jutanugarn left Gilchrist. "I want to rely more on myself," she said this week.
Jutanugarn, 22, continues to hire the mental coaches Lynn Marriott and Pia Nilsson, with whom she also started working in 2016. With their help, she looked at her anxiety, because she failed in the expectations of others and realized this: when her swing breaks down, it is usually a mental disturbance, not a technical failure. She did not cling to the club in her hands or worried about the fact that she had canceled the shot, or was afraid she had disappointed the people.
"I was worried, so that causes problems with my swing," said Jutanugarn.
When she sees it, whether she has an instructor or not, "If I am still afraid, I will not have a good swing anyway."