The son of Tiger & # 039; is good at golf, but video raises wider questions


The 10-year-old was filmed with balls on a practice course for a junior tournament in Florida, with his father standing behind him. Woods Sr. was later depicted as caddying for his son.

The video, taken from a distance, confused social media. First, because Charlie is clearly a chip from the old block when it comes to golf.

But perhaps more importantly: it led to a debate about the ethics of circulating a video of a child, apparently without permission. And it highlights the awkward world of Woods.

READ: Tiger Woods: a tumultuous 10 years from scandal to redemption

& # 39; I don't like fame & # 39;

On the one hand, Woods wants his children – Charlie has an older sister Sam – to be as close to a normal life as possible, such as participating in junior golf tournaments or going to soccer training with friends, to which the 44-year-old Golfer often refers in news conferences.

But as one of the most famous sports stars on the planet, with a blockbuster back story, Woods knows that he is the focus of intensive research.

He hates that consequence of success and in November tells CNN of his attitude to fame: "I don't like it. I never liked it." That probably explains why his superyacht & # 39; Privacy & # 39; hot.

So if one of Woods & # 39; kids shows talent in golf, perhaps not surprising considering their father's 15 majors and status as perhaps the best of all time, the spotlight is likely to swing in their direction .

Despite all the controversies that surrounded Woods after the sex scandal that led to divorce, he has always remained committed to his children and worked hard to keep them out of the spotlight.

During their early childhood, it was relatively simple, and a few years ago, Woods himself was seen from the scene as his catalog of back injuries.

But during Woods' comeback year in 2018 after a spinal surgery, he admitted that he wanted to show his growing children that golf was more than just the "pain" it seemed to inflict on their father and that he was not alone but an old golfer on YouTube.

Sam and Charlie attended Carnoustie in Scotland to almost equal their father's glory days while he briefly led the Open Championship. And they were in the middle of the flash again in April when Woods took that remarkable 15th major and first since 2008.

"It means to me the world to have them there, and now that they see their Pops winning, just like my Pops saw me winning here, it's pretty special," he said later, referring to his father Earl who died in 2006, the year after Woods won his fourth Masters.

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On that occasion, Woods would have been aware that the children were being shot on TV and by photographers.

But unlike prodigies, like himself, publicly promoted at an early age by Earl and first on TV at the age of two, or Rory McIlroy, who was featured on Northern Ireland talkshow golf balls in a washing machine when he was nine years old, Charlie Wood's recent appearance was not a PR set up.

Tiger will be aware that his presence with his son on a crowded driving range was likely to attract attention. But the reaction to the video gives the 44-year-old break to think while considering the best way for his children to enjoy a normal life.

Some will also claim that there was no damage to the video. After all, it was a real "wow" moment as the world first saw Charlie's bravery while his father watched.

Woods is likely to be asked when he makes his first start of the season at Torrey Pines in California next week. The answer, or lack thereof, can be enlightening.

As for Charlie, it's great that he has the skills of his father. But at the age of 10 that is currently largely irrelevant. Golf is perhaps just a hobby for him.

Perhaps Tiger's greatest influence comes from managing exposure and helping his son to process a famous father's prize.