WhatsApp & # 039; love-in & # 039; tattooing inspired Europe

The face of a dejected and tired looking Tiger Woods told the story when the defunct US team met reporters at another losing Ryder Cup media conference, this time near Paris.

It did not mean to end like that. They would celebrate a historic Ryder Cup victory in Europe. A first for 25 years, a hoodoo finally broken.

Instead of making jokes and laughing through their meeting with the media, it was the champagne-tapped European party that had perhaps dismantled the strongest team in history.

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Tiger & # 39; s toil, & # 39; Moliwood & # 39; magic

For Woods, the wave hero for the amazing comeback last week, was a seventh defeat in eight Ryder Cups.

The 42-year-old was first selected as a player since 2012, but the energy and emotion of a remarkable season took its toll and he lost all four of his matches at Le Golf National.

Despite his stellar career, the Ryder Cup has never been a happy hunting ground for Woods, and his performance in Paris took his record to 13, lost 21, halved three.

"I am one of the factors that contributed to the reason why we have lost the cup and it is not fun," he murmured from under the top of his red cap while the incessant "Ole, ole, ole "songs from jubilant European fans sounded about the loop.

The architect of Woods & valo was the Italian British Open champion Francesco Molinari, who defeated him three times in team play with partner Tommy Fleetwood.

The couple earned cult status during the week, fans created songs in their honor and invented a new nickname, "Moliwood" or "Machinari" to be like a machine. Woods also lost Sunday from the passionate Spaniard Jon Rahm in the singles.

Choosing the right partner for Woods – Patrick Reed and Bryson DeChambeau participated in the list of unsuitable cases – remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of golf. Do not they disfigure him, do they intimidate them or do his opponents try harder because it is Woods?

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Unfortunate wildcards

The four points that Woods handed over to Europe were part of the story, but the research will reveal the whole picture. And the accusations have begun, from Reed anyway.

After a third consecutive defeat at Gleneagles in 2014, followed by Phil Mickelson's public sling from captain Tom Watson, the US set up its famous "task force" to address its Ryder Cup deficits

The victorious win over Hazeltine two years ago suggested that it was on the right track with a harvest of powerful young stars.

But the victory of Europe at Versailles sends the task group back to the drawing board. A point of attention is individual performance and the reasons for it.

The 48-year-old Mickelson, a wildcard handed over by captain and close friend Jim Furyk for a record 12th Ryder Cup, was a big culprit.

The faded left-handed did not hand and gave exactly zero points. It was his tee that was shot in the water on the 16th and that led to the concession that the cup handed over. Probably the last shot he ever made in the Ryder Cup.

Mickelson admitted he had trouble finding his game, but Furyk will be questioned because he has not chosen an in-form young cannon, although he maintains that "Lefty" means much more for the team than just his performance on the job. Somewhere in Kansas, Watson must have allowed himself a wry smile.

World number 1 Dustin Johnson could not ignite and added a single point. Reed, named "Captain America" ​​for top scoring for the US in 2014 and 2016, was out of tune and scored only one point. Another Furyk & # 39; s four wildcards, DeChambeau, was also useless.

For Europe, wildcards Ian Poulter, Paul Casey, Sergio Garcia and Henrik Stenson of Thomas Bjorn added 9.5 points between them

Clinical Molinari won all five of his points to be the first European to be unbeaten by a Ryder Cup. And all 12 players contributed at least one point.

Unknown territory

While Europe won eight heterosexual team games on Friday and Saturday, including a historic session with white wash on Friday afternoon to lay the foundations for victory 17½- 10½, the US came under fire because they had difficulty adapting to the design of the golf course.

The tight fairways, thick rough and abundant water took the driver largely out of the hands of the American bombers and played the strengths of the Europeans. Europe also has big hitters, such as Rory McIlroy, but the feeling is that they have only found better answers to the questions that the course poses.

An important stat was that the American team had played only eight competition rounds in the course of the tournament, compared to Europe's 236.

Only Justin Thomas took part in the recent French Open on Le Golf National. Furyk maintains that the practice days that he organized with some of his other team members were well attended.

"We were prepared, we played our practice rounds, we understood the golf course and we played out", Furyk told the gloomy press conference

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