9 golf exercises to add mobility, power and strength to your swing
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Depending on where you live, many of you will have to deal with harsh weather conditions, making outdoor sports and playing impossible. Instead of sliding your golf while you wait for better weather, you can use this off-season to upgrade parts of your game that may not get that much attention during the busy season. One of the most valuable steps a golfer can take is to ensure that his body functions at a level that supports the quality of the golf he wants to play, and also increases the chances of staying healthy and not training or playing time to miss an injury.
If you spend time and effort working on your condition, it is wise to ensure that you use this time efficiently. To make this easier for you, I have selected nine golf courses that I think are worth the time to improve. They are divided into three categories, all of which are crucial for high-quality and powerful golf swing:
For each exercise I will explain why you should do it, what benefits it offers and how it should be performed. I also made a detailed video that shows you the right shape.
Without adequate mobility in certain parts of the body, it may be impossible to make the desired swing or our instructor to advise us. The vast majority of customers with whom I work in person or online have at least some mobility limitation that affects their swing. Many of us are too many, at work or during commuting, and do not do enough to combat this lack of movement. The adage "use it or lose it" is extremely relevant for mobility. Three important areas that are important for staying mobile are the backbone, the hips and the shoulders.
There is an exercise focused on each of the areas below. Try 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps per exercise.
Quadruped Spinal Flexion & Extension
Spinal mobility is crucial, and something that many people miss. If our spinal column becomes immobile, this also has an adverse effect on hip and shoulder mobility, which is not good news for our golf swing!
Primary emphasis: Spine
Hip Drops
The most common restriction zone that I see with golfers is a lack of internal hip rotation. Reduced internal hip rotation can give you a higher risk of back injury, early extension, swinging and sliding. It also makes efficient sequencing more difficult and leads to power loss. In summary, internal hip rotation is crucial, and you want to make sure that yours is completely up-to-scratch!
Primary emphasis: Hips
Half-kneeling shoulder circle
If a golfer has good spinal, hip and shoulder mobility, they are on their way to cover the mobility needs for a high-quality, efficient golf swing. You already have an exercise for the spine and the hips above, and by adding this shoulder mobility exercise, you will have covered the "big 3" areas of mobility. I see far too many senior golfers with shoulder operations; please take care of yours.
Primary emphasis: Shoulders
Strength is our pk & # 39; s, our ability to produce strength. Stronger strength levels often increase seamlessly to a higher club head speed. This is especially true for golfers who have no background in strength training and therefore start from a low base. This is quite cool, because you get really fast and dramatic improvements in your strength and your club head speed when you start. Strength training is often unjustly criticized and misunderstood, which is a shame because the benefits for wave performance, injury prevention and general quality of life are immense. Strength and strength training is especially important in older golfers because we lose strength and strength as we age. Fortunately, this is usually reversible with the right training. Below I have shown an exercise for the lower body, the trunk and the upper body. All three areas are used in the golf swing and we do not want weak links.
Try 2-3 sets of 3-8 repetitions with each exercise. Make sure you do both sides on the split squat. For each exercise, choose a weight that makes the last 1-2 repetitions of each set very difficult. Try to increase the weight or reps each workout, while staying in the 3-8 rep range.
Split Squat (Eccentric Emphasis)
Split-squats are a great exercise for exercises in the lower body, while at the same time challenging our stability and mobility. Slowly executing the lowering part of the exercise, as shown in this video, is very useful to call the correct form. One of the great things about exercises where we work independently on each side of the body is that they enable us to identify and work on imbalances between the right and left sides. Each side does not have to be identical, but there can not be a big difference. With regard to the transfer to the golf swing, we know that there is a strong correlation between ground strength and speed of the clubhead. One of the best ways to increase ground strength is to improve the strength of the lower body.
Primary emphasis: Quads. Also works against hamstrings and glutes.
Cable rotation
One of the disadvantages of many generic training regimes is that they only focus on vertical exercises and do not let us work in a rotating or lateral way that is not optimal for training a golfer's body. This exercise increases your rotational strength, which is primarily determined by the muscles around our torso that often the core & # 39; are called. A strong trunk is important for rotation, but is also extremely important when transferring force from the lower body to the upper body. With weak nuclei we will experience "power leakage" while trying to transfer power from the lower body to the upper body. This greatly limits our efficiency and ultimately our strength.
Primary emphasis : Obliques. Glutes and deep trunk muscles are also worked hard.
Chin-up / Pull-up
Chin-ups are when you use an underhand handle where your palms are facing you and are pull-ups when you use an overhand grip with your palms facing away from you. Many pull-up bars now have parallel handles where your palms can point to each other, and these are called neutral grip pull-ups or chin-ups. Chin-ups are usually slightly simpler. I do not think that any type of grip is superior to the other and I propose to practice them all. I do not want to insult anyone, but if you can not do one complete training, you have a fitness problem. You wear too much body fat, your strength is low or you are injured. These are all problems that need to be addressed, and pull-ups / chin-ups are a great diagnostic tool. In addition to helping us to provide the torso and torso strength that is desirable for powerful wave fluctuations, I think that getting more skilled with chin-ups / pull-ups would go a long way towards preventing the much too common elbow and shoulder problems that plague so many golfers. Make sure you look through the video all the way, because I'll show you the options you can use if you can not perform a full overrule / pull-up at this time.
Primary emphasis: Lats and biceps, but a huge amount of upper body and trunk muscles are used.
An essential way to think of power is that it is somewhere between power and speed. Some people call it explosiveness & # 39 ;. This type of training is necessary to enable a high degree of transfer from an increase in general strength to a specific movement, in this case the golf swing. I often explain to customers that improving the golf swing is our goal, but only practicing our golf swing is not the most effective way to achieve this goal. The higher we can get our strength in general exercises (to a certain point) such as squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls, etc. the more strength we will be able to produce in more specific strength exercises that mainly consist of jumping and throwing exercises. This in turn will lead to more transfer to our golf swing through a higher club head speed.
Like the strength section of this article, I have included an exercise that focuses mainly on the lower body, the trunk and the upper body. I am convinced that if you can increase your strength output on these exercises, you will see the speed of your club head increase. When you train for strength, it is essential that you express as much power as you are capable of every representative. This is why the repetitions per set are kept so low. During jumping exercises you have to imagine that you are driving your feet through the ground, and on the throwing exercises you have to imagine that you are trying to crack a hole in the wall. A matt effort results in matt results.
Try 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps on each side with maximum explosiveness.
Alternative lateral jump
This exercise is an excellent way to develop the strength of the lower body in a lateral way, which can be very useful for improving the way your feet deal with the ground during the swing. We can not see with the naked eye how much pressure players with a high club head speed fit with their feet in the ground, but I promise you that it is substantial. When coaching players I like to use the expression "load and explode" to help them understand the feeling they want when they absorb the landing of each jump, and then drive back to where they came from.
Primary emphasis: Lower Body Power
Throwing a rotating medicine ball
If I could only prescribe one exercise to golfers to increase their clubhead speed, this would probably be. It is excellent for improving ground strength and teaches us how to use our large muscles to develop rotational force. The way our bodies move also has a good resemblance to a golf swing that offers a very high degree of transfer. Performing this exercise alongside a more general reinforcement program is a good way to ensure that our strength gains are realized in our golf swing.
Primary emphasis: Rotational power
Medicine ball with one arm with arm Throw with rotation
Strength and strength of the upper body do not get the attention they deserve among golfers, who are often obsessed with the core. The upper body contributes significantly to the ability of the golf swing and must be trained accordingly. My favorite part of this exercise is how it improves the body's ability to work as a unit. The movement is initiated with the lower body pushing into the ground; this force is then transmitted through the trunk and eventually to the upper body, where the force is expressed by pushing the ball as hard as possible with the arm. Even though it is not the same movement, it is the same series as seen in the golf swing, and an exercise that I think is of great value to golfers.
Primary emphasis: Upper Body Power
These golf exercises are good, but …
These nine golf exercises scratch the surface of what you could do to work on your fitness, both for golf performance and for a long life. If you are interested in becoming truly a proprietor of your physical position, you may be interested in checking out Fit For Golf Online Program " . These are for sale on my website and are accessible via the Fit For Golf app. Practical wave readers receive a 20% discount by entering coupon code PG20 .
About Mike Carroll
Mike Carroll is the creator of Fit For Golf, a provider of online golf-specific power and conditioning. Mike holds a BSc in Sports & Exercise Sciences from the University of Limerick Ireland, is a TPI Level 3 Certified Golf Fitness Professional and an accredited member of the UK Strength & Conditioning Association. He works with golfers from all over the world, from professional to high handicapper. He is based in Newport Beach, California. Mike has published articles about many well-known websites such as http: // mytpi.com http: / / GolfWRX.com and was a guest on the popular On The Mark Podcast, in collaboration with the PGA Tour. For more information on online training options or reviews, blog posts, or to contact, simply go to http: // www. fitforgolf.blog or @fit_for_golf.